About FOD

The Friends of the Dolphin Program
Working with the community to compile dolphin sightings and support cooperative research projects, the Pacific Marinelife Institute's Friends of the Dolphin program aims to develop a multimedia database on the dolphin populations of the Pacific and Indian Oceans. Combining long term tracking of specific populations with expeditions, volunteer observer programs and community education, the Institute aim to support monitor the health of the region's dolphin populations.

The Pacific Marinelife Institute
Pacific Marinelife Institute is a private Australian marine research and education organisation. Taking a whole of ecosystem approach to its projects, the Institute supports and manages a wide range of marine research projects, community education programs and industry quality accreditation schemes. Originally established in 1991 as the non-profit CFA Fishery Research Foundation by a group of game fisherman and crews, the now private Institute is involved in the monitoring and research of reef fisheries, mapping the biodiversity of rocky and coral reefs, study pelagic fish species, implementing a range of eco offset programs and monitoring cetacean populations.

For more information:
Pacific Marinelife Institute ABN 12 009 767 631
Street: 68/88 Cotlew Street East, Southport Queensland Australia 4215
Postal: PO Box 721 Southport Queensland Australia 4215
Phone: (07) 5574 3815 Int: 61 7 5574 3815
Email: info@pacificmarinelife.com
Web: www.pacificmarinelife.com